Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween night

I look at the date and realize it is Halloween. For the last few years, to avoid the hordes of trick-or-treaters on Peakland Place, Brad and I have come here on Halloween night. Now we won't be going back home after the "danger" is over!
As I see it, Hanshill is a rather masculine, rustic place. All the gray and brown, the rough cut wood, the non-adorned appearance give is that aura. Well, I made one purchase that creates one feminine corner, with some bling. It's slightly crazy, and it's fun. IT's the mirror for the first floor half bath. It's a little hard to photograph accurately. I took 14 shots and here are the best two of those.

 Besides the portrait of Murnie in the living room, we also put up this grouping. There are two Queena Stovall prints plus the things on the piano.
 Finally, I decided to move the little table that I painted last week from the green beach bedroom, to try it in the living room. The paint scheme matches the table supporting the TV, and it creates a place to set a drink or a book if you are sitting in the wing chair. Also I bought a new, real pretty cushion for the school desk.
Our architect, Hal Craddock, is coming to supper tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Everything is looking so great, Leigh! I love seeing all the pictures.
