Friday, September 23, 2011

Finally some pictures after the move!

Well, Meg is kindly letting me use her computer to post a blog entry!  So here goes with the pictures!
This is just a photo of the upstairs hall on moving day.
 Two reasons for chairs on the beds. One, there are 23 chairs that can be used on the eating porch and we have no place to put them. Two, this keeps the dogs off the beds. We want to train them to sleep in our room on the new dog beds we bought for them!

 Here's bedroom #2. We moved the bed from the master here, and there's a sofa on the right where for now we are placing all photos and wall hangings.
 What is the significance of this photo????
The storage unit is gone!
 One day rain was threatening and all the cows were lying down in the pasture up near the house. This one looked so huge!
 The tissue holder in the first-floor half bath.
 Towel rack in first floor half bath.
Here's my computer area in the sunroom. Now just need to get internet service!
 Here's the guest bath --- all finished except we don't yet have a mirror.
 A few days after I snapped the toilet tissue holder, we hung this wall art in the half bath. I love the little bucket that Nina painted for us to match the one in the picture.
 Old chair cushion:

New chair cushion. I ordered 28 of them.
 Master closet with the dresser that was Daddy's at Hanshill. Love it! Hope to have more photos soon.

Monday, September 19, 2011

not connected

Hello Everyone,
I am very frustrated because we do not have internet access at Hanshill yet. I am writing this from Mama's computer. I have MANY pictures I want to post but that will have to wait a few days. I have not yet shut this blog down --- I'm just in a holding pattern!  Love to all, Leigh

Sunday, September 11, 2011

first Saturday in the house

Here are a few photos from Saturday, the day after our move. First, a galvanized metal gutter was installed on the northwest corner of the house ---- site of the worst rotted-wood damage from rain over the years. Putting up this one gutter was Hal's recommendation (our architect).

You see it a little bit better from this side.
 Since my sisters and mother provided a delicious supper for us on Friday, Saturday was my first night cooking --- squash, onions and red peppers from the Community Market, along with fresh Carolina shrimp. Look hard to see the blue flame under the frying pan.

Here's a beloved piece of furniture in a new location.

We have to wait another week before DirecTV comes to hook up the three TVs but Brad was able to use the old connection last night to watch a bit of football!  Nice location!
 But no rest for the weary. While watching football he is also trying to figure out a gadget for allowing us to have internet service. IT's not working yet. We're in town right now working on cleaning and still moving stuff. The Hanshill telephone of old is now working and that will be our new telephone number!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Move in day!

Friday, September 9 --- a happy day for us. The moving truck transported our furniture from Peakland Place to Hanshill! The movers arrived at 12:45 and left Hanshill, finished, at 6:00 p.m. For those of you who have done lots of moves, you know it usually takes much longer than that. But we didn't have them moved any boxed goods. We have been doing that ourselves. Things like clothes, books, kitchen cabinet contents, china, crystal, etc. We moved (or are still moving) pretty much all the breakables. The movers did an excellent job, with no dings to the walls or to the pieces of furniture. Here are a few photos from moving day. I'll have more soon as we unpack and decide how to arrange things!

Here's the last piece of furniture coming off the truck.
 And there it goes on the way upstairs.
 Some stuff is in the living room. The sofa and two chairs are still in the storage unit in the driveway.
 Finally, here's the sunroom partly in place. I am thinking of getting a light-colored, solid slipcover to put on the sofa. So I just put a bedspread on it to see what effect that might have. The long, narrow rug from our entrance hall on Peakland Place seems to fit nicely in this room.

Monday, September 5, 2011

traditional Labor Day party

Brad and I were able to host a party at Hanshill last night, the Sunday of Labor Day weekend. For years the Suhlings have joined together for a supper party on this weekend. We hope to continue the tradition well into the future. This was the very first social event there of any kind in 2011. So it was very special. The first photo is really awful of almost everybody, but it does show the old light fixture attached to the new ceiling fan. We had 22 people sitting around the tables. Sandy Suhling was with us, but had to head back to Charlottesville before supper.

 Jenny said "take my picture" so I did! 

 See Will hiding? The only little person missing is David. He was sitting at the other table.

 Good picture!  Adam, you make me feel young!
 Why am I the ONLY person with gray hair?????
 Remember the purpose of this implement/tool???? Thought I'd show it for grins.  (hint: in the old kitchen)
Can't wait to move into the house next Friday, September 9.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

found my camera!

Yay, I found my camera. So I took a few photos today. We are getting ready to have family members to supper tomorrow night. Here you can see the new bar stools. They have a cherry finish with black leather seats. The floors are covered with rosin paper. The builder suggested we keep them covered until after the movers deliver our furniture, to protect the floors. So I apologize. Would you believe I have been sweeping the paper!! Lots of dirt accumulating.

 We moved our bed. I dislike the brass bed because it requires polishing so often, but I have to say it looks good in the new setting, and it fits with the age of the house. Also our rug is in place on the bedroom floor, to keep our feet toasty warm in the winter. Now we need some bedside tables and lamps!
 You can only see a little bit of the floor in this photo.
 Here's a close-up of the bedroom floor, and notice how it's not a mirror-bright shine, but a low-luster sheen.
 Finally, we put up a welcome plaque. Nina gave this to me quite some time ago, and it has been waiting to be hung. You might have to enlarge the photo to get a good view, but anyway, THANK YOU, NINA!!!


Well, I am a tiny bit frustrated. I cannot find my camera! There are thinks I want to capture but I don't have the tool.

The other bigger setback is about internet service at Hanshill. It is not available through Verizon or any cable company! Not sure what to do now. But without it, I may as well cancel the move --- I'm so dependent!