Wednesday, July 4, 2012


We learned a new word after the tremendous wind storm experienced in our area last Friday night, June 29. That word is derecho. The devastation to trees in Lynchburg, and to power lines and poles which carry the lines, is just amazing. Not to mention the fact that so many people lost power. About half the homes in Lynchburg are still without power. We got ours back here at Hanshill on Monday around lunchtime. The period of three days doesn't seem so bad in retrospect. Our yard was littered with limbs, branches and sticks. But fortunately, we didn't lose any trees in the yard, and there was no damage to the house, or the cars! We did lose one large red oak tree in the woods not too far from the house. It did not fall all the way to the ground because it got hung up as it fell on a nearby tree. Brad managed to get it safely to the ground using his chain saw. Now, he has a huge project that will provide a winter's supply of firewood, for the 2013-2014 winter --- it will need a year to season. The wood smells so good! It would make beautiful oak flooring, I am sure. My pictures are blurry so I only included a couple. We badly need rain --- the storm was all wind and no rain. It's been over two weeks since our last rain.

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