We have a very industrious wren, or pair of wrens, who are intent upon building a nest on the driveway porch. There have been at least 10 days where we have had to remove the nesting materials they amass overnight in the light fixture.
Here is an example of their handiwork, done in less than 24 hours. Unfortunately, for the little birds, we removed it all. In past years, these people-friendly birds have also often nested in hanging, potted plants on our porches. So I put up the first one of those for this year. Maybe the wrens will find that to be a good home.
Our first hummingbirds for the year arrived on May 2. This was quite a bit later than many feeders in town. We believe that the same birds return here year after year. This would be the first spring that the feeders were put up so early. In the past, when Hanshill was strictly a summer place, we would clean and open the house in the latter half of May. So I suspect our hummers are late arrivers, as well as late departers. We are glad they have returned.
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