Monday, November 21, 2011


I keep thinking that I need to have photos in order to post. However, many bloggers just write thoughts and don't include pictures. I am going to have to make some adjustments to my thinking as the photo ops become less frequent. Come December 1, we will be entering the time of year that we really have not experienced at Hanshill before. I am looking forward to that. The leaves are mostly down from the trees, except for a few species that tend to cling to their leaves until spring. We can see lights from at least six houses on the ridge at Hans Hill Estates.

But today I do have a couple of pictures. We have discovered that we have a resident pair of redheaded woodpeckers living here. They make a distinctive noise and we hear them frequently. Yesterday afternoon I heard one of them making lots of noise (I had the window open because the temperature was 71). I looked and determined that the noise was a redheaded woodpecker arguing with a pileated woodpecker!  They were on the same tree, and the redhead was flying at the other one and trying to peck it and trying to chase it away. Given the size difference, it was comical. The pileated easily defended itself, but eventually it moved away to another part of the woods.

This morning when I was making myself some coffee, I noticed a redhead on a tree right outside the kitchen, on a tree between the house and cabin, so VERY close. Eventually I was able to get a photo --- although it is blurry because I had the zoom level cranked up.

 Brad worked some more yesterday afternoon to finish installing the TV in the kitchen. I think he's pretty happy with it.
He also did some more work with the bush-hog in the pastures in front of the house. It looks really nice. We are excited that Nina & Charlie, and Eddie & Kelly will all be arriving on Wednesday for a great weekend together. I've been doing some advanced cooking, and today I did the really big shopping trip for all the necessary supplies.

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