Here's the small bookcase in my work area. There's just no getting around the junk-y papers and stuff that will be stored here. However, the seashell-covered balls are nice. I fell in love with these in Australia, and Nina gave me some for Christmas last year.
Here's a medium perspective of the work area. The blue box still needs to be emptied.
And here's a full room view from the far wall.
Here's the black bookcase in place, with a few items added. Also I just finished painting the little half-moon end table. I thought the black top would look good with the bookcase.Now here's a view of BR#2 from the entry door. This view is a bit deceptive, because in the left corner, out of view ......
it looks like this! Everything that has not found a home is residing in this corner. There's more hidden to the right --- it's just out of view on the far side of the bed.
So the rug in BR#2 is a nice green. Right now there is a blue sofa in the room, and we have a green plaid sofa in the sunroom, currently covered by a bedspread, which is a makeshift slipcover until I get around to buying a real one. Also the tan chaise has the same colors in it as the green plaid sofa. So I am thinking about switching the two sofas, and then putting the slip cover over the blue sofa that came from Nannie and Pop. Also the little table that I just painted would look better with that combination. I'm not sure what to do with the chaise. And of course there has to be room somewhere for a baby crib!
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