This week has been a little slow. The main work being done was the completion of all interior painting, including all the new windows. Everything looks great. Now the painter will move to the exterior. We tested the exterior stain color on several spots. It will be a change for the house to be a uniform color. One thing I had not expected, but I guess I should have, was that the painter painted the shelves in the little linen closet in the upstairs hall. What a happy surprise! All evidence of the flying squirrels having taken up residence there one year ---- finally that is long gone! The shelves look pristine now ------ a small delight!

In the meantime, the floor work will begin next week.
The electrician on the job came out two evenings this week and installed many of the light fixtures we had selected. I had struggled with these choices, but for the most part I'm pretty happy with how they actually look in the house.
Unfortunately the lighting in these photos of the light fixtures does not show how they really look. So these pictures are a disappointment to me. The interior fans were running when I took these pictures. Here's the sunroom.

Everything looks pink in the next picture ............. NOT!!

Here's the fixture on the second landing.

The two fixtures in the upstairs hall match this one on the landing --- they are just smaller.

The fixture in the master closet photographed correctly.

New fan-light in 2nd bedroom. The one in the 3rd bedroom is just the same.

I don't know why it was so hard to get good photos of the pendant lights. There are supposed to be 3 of them, but only two were delivered. The shades are glass with a marble-y design, mostly tones of brown. Each one is unique. Wish the pictures did them justice.

Brad continues to work on the damper in the fireplace. Our nephew Greg helped Brad this week with some welding on that job. Thanks, Greg!!
The fixtures are fabulous! I love the one on the second landing.