This is an attempt to show the new flooring, looking from the kitchen toward the half bath.

Next is a shot of the master shower stall; the grout has been done on the tile.

Here's another shot of the master shower, with the bench.

Next is the master shower as viewed from the hall doorway. I need suggestions about paint color for the bathroom.

Okay, with this next shot, you have to guess about it. Check at the end of this post to learn the perspective.

Next you see the interior of the closet in BR#2. The point of the shot is to show the baseboard that has been installed. That has been done throughout the renovated parts of the house.

This shows the baseboard in the sunroom.

Okay, so did you figure out the mystery shot???
I'm squatting down inside the closet of BR#2, trying to show the trim that is framed around the door on the interior. You can see the doorway between BR#2 and the master bedroom, the entrance door to the tiny original closet in the master BR, plus you can see the leftmost window in the master BR that looks out on the driveway.
Our new home is taking shape and becoming more real every day. It's so neat to see the things that were just ideas in my mind coming to life as reality.
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