Well, it's been a whole week since my last post. This has been for 3 reasons. One, I have't been to Hanshill as much as I would like. Two, when I did go earlier this week I was too busy afterward to have time to create a post. And three, which really is not an excuse, early in the week, there was not a whole lot that was visible to photograph to show changes. The things that were being done were not real obvious.
But today, what I think you will see again is PROGRESS!!!! Last week, the area above the sunroom's wall of windows was open. Only $10K more would have allowed us to have a beach-house effect of windows up high on the exterior wall ................................ NOT!!!! Now we know what the natural lighting will be like in the new sunroom ---- totally awesome!

This is a cool photo because Justin is working in an area where the former attic is exposed. You can see the rafters in there. A couple of days later a new wall was erected between the attic and sunroom, so this particular view will never be available again.The stone wall in the lower right area is the original master bathroom.
The next one is a really cool shot of the "new"ceiling for the sunroom. I'm standing in the sunroom and looking up. Justin is working.
The next shot is how the house looks at the end of the week from outside. Note the new attic end-vent that matches the old one --- they will even use the old wooden insert to fill in that space. Sorry I don't know exactly what that thing is called. Anyway, the shape of the house is getting well-defined.
Next time, I will include a shot of how the house looks as you come down the driveway ---- not so different from the past.
Sorry for all the ladders in the next shot. I'm standing in the sunroom and looking back into bedroom #3 (in recent years called "Kelly's room") You can see all the way through the house to the window at the other end, in BR#2, where the critters have chewed up the window frame pretty good over the years! (that part is NOT visible --- this is just a comment).

In this next shot, I'm standing in the sunroom, and looking back into the original master bath. The new shower stall has been framed. the long time original stone wall is still there, not to mention the medicine cabinet on the right hand wall. That needs to go, doesn't it??? (Not to worry --- it will)
Okay, next, here I'm standing in the original master bath, and looking out to the sunroom. The old medicine cabinet is on the left, and the new doorway has been cut. The old window is gone. This is going to be so wonderful!

Here comes the last photo for this post ---- I'm checking out the brand new "staircase" that leads to the attic --- a place I have NEVER been before!!! The new ladder staircase was installed today. We found five old suitcases in the attic --- guess Nannie and Pop got some new luggage one year and decided not to take the old stuff home, or forgot. You can double-click any photo to make it larger.
As we left for the day, Brad went down to check on 907 Elon Road. It appears that the house has been emptied, or at least mostly so. There is a huge pile of trash in the circular drive in front of the cabin. The most disturbing thing is that several dogs are still there in pens. We don't know if our tenants are coming by to feed them. If the dogs are still on the premises Monday, we will call the Amherst County animal authority (not sure of the exact name) and have them come out and pick up the dogs. It is very upsetting that the dogs would be left there unattended, but it is not totally surprising.
Next week the builder will begin work to upgrade the water line, which means turning off the water service for a few days, at a minimum. I think roofing is a near-term item to perform as well.
Brad and I are heading to Charlottesville in the morning, for a lacrosse game where Virginia plays Maryland, and later in the day for a DKE parents' weekend party and dinner. We'll return home Sunday around midday.
Went by Saturday to check it out--guys were hard at work putting new shingles on the side roof. Electrical looks good in the old part--what a job fishing wires!!