But I also was the person who envisioned having the new sun room and the stairs running to the sun room. (By the way how do you spell that? Is it sun room like living-space-room or dining-space-room, or is it like the words bedroom and bathroom with no spaces?)
The first picture shows the addition of the sun room from the perspective of the driveway. A new dormer is being constructed that matches the shape of the second floor of the original house.
They will be re-using original exterior wood from the house for the exterior walls.
Below, the guys are getting the roof covered with tarpaper before they get ready to depart for the weekend. It's a long way down from that roof!
Here's a wonderful view. The windows are going to be HUGE!!

And here I am looking out one of the windows. Not such a great expression.

And here I am looking out one of the windows. Not such a great expression.
Anyway, so now, obviously, there will be some modification to the overall appearance of the house as you approach. And if you look at it from the honeymoon-suite cabin, the change will be huge. Once the exterior staining is done, and the roof, I hope everything will blend well together. We are being asked to select the roofing shingle color, to select the style for the kitchen exterior door, to decide on cabinet style, and to make decisions concerning placement of electrical outlets, light switches, etc. It seems like decisions are coming at us very fast! This is the first time in my life that I've participated in building new construction (and I expect it be the last time, too). Up til now, I've just accepted the qualities and quirks of whatever house we decided to buy. This time, we get to declare preferences and hopefully avoid having quirks that do not appeal to us. There WILL be some non-standard features that will contribute to the overall character of the house. For instance, wait til you see the placement of the wine rack!